
Monday, 4 December 2017

Jump jam

YUUSS we have jump jam internationals i can’t wait to perform in front of Brett fearwether.


Here is a link to one of my Wonder task click  here to see it.

Wonder task

Always try to be a little kinder than necessary.

Wonder Task

Come and watch it out 17 DEC ( 12.30am)


Food festival

Food festival

It was great at the food festival. I loved watching Bollywood and Haka hiva and i enjoyed doing Kapa haka there were lot’s of people cheering and clapping it felt great i loved the food festival. there was also singers. they sounded like professionals they were amazing.

Monday, 6 November 2017


I’m home alone with no one talk to wondering where my parents are i felt really nervous. I looked the door turned the TV up really loud and sat there for a while but no one came.

After a while i saw the trees outside moving i thought it was just a stupid animal and then it louder then POUNCE!! Uhh luckily it was just a cat.

Manu Taratahi

My class made some manu taratahi and some manu tuktuku here some pictures.

How do Beavers live?

How do Beavers live? Well Beavers are North America's most largest rodent and as rodents they have big teeth. The Beavers have big teeth so they can survive, without big teeth Beavers can’t make dams. And chomp large amounts of wood, Beavers  teeth are still growing until they die. Beavers have a lifespan up to twenty four years, and until that they stay near or in the water, So they can stay safe. Beavers are semi-aquatic rodents, that means for example an animal lives in one part of it environment and in  another.

Tuesday, 26 September 2017 be continued

It was a dark and stormy night when i heard a peculiar noise. “What was it grandad” i don’t know until, “What grandad what was it” it it was a cat. “A cat”?
Yes a cat.
But not only just a cat, it was a monster a monster that could control human mind. “Grandad you're scaring me”

Sorry darling, Would you like me to stop.
"No keep going but just don't scare me OK" "yeah and me" i won't Jeffrey "what about me grandad".
i won't Emma "thank you grandad"...

Tuesday, 19 September 2017


The Mural is a wonderful piece  of art, it's so realistic with so much detail. the texture of the waikato river is amazing and looks so real with the three D looking waves and the trees reflecting off the water.
And at each corner of the Waikato river is a Taniwha guarding and protecting the village and the chief at each corner.
there is also Riff Raff painted on to the Mural, did you our school building are painted on the Mural.
Also the color of the water is so realistic and looks like the sea.

Thursday, 14 September 2017

The fish of Maui

The fish of Maui
English: He was rowing then he found the perfect spot. He breaths in and out. Then he thought the hook sleep time. Then he woke up to the sound of the rope he got some rope and started pulling as hard as he could.

Maori: ko i te hoe i kitea e ia te wahi tino pai nga pupuhi i roto i waho katahia ia ka neke i te matau te wa moe ka oho ia ake ke ti tangi o te taura i whiwhi ia itetahi mea ka toka ia ki te pakeke ka taea e ia kaore e taea ia te whakpono he kanohi ia he whenua tuhinga o mua.

Maori langue week


Monday, 11 September 2017

how i get to school

Come on wakey wakey” but it’s 6.30am dad “hurry up we don’t want to be late for school now do we”.  NOO i don’t want to get up it’s ICE COLD outside “well if you put on your both of your jerseys and both your jackets you won’t be cold come on get up now”. UHHHHH FINE “and now you have 10 minutes to get ready now” “you made us late school  Rachel”.
Well it’s not my fault i didn’t want to get up and it was ICE COLD “uh yes it is” says dad wow AHHHH  DAD HELP ME “i’m coming Rachel”. Hold onto my arm  i’m trying to “well don’t try do”.

Friday, 8 September 2017

Kakariki house

Wow look at all that art look at that Quartez says Libby. Oh  wow it looks like it is made with red wax that is amazing. Witch painting is your favorite Libby? ¨Hmm this one wait no this on wait oh look at that cloth art¨ says Libby ¨it looks like a octopus¨ maybe.

Hold on for your life

Holding on for my life
“Don’t let go of me i don’t want to fall”. You won’t fall i’m holding on really tight we’ll get to school soon. Sometimes i wish we didn’t even go to school because it’s dangerous. even for me and i'm 13.

Wednesday, 6 September 2017

Black cat

The dark black cat.

A quiet black kitten sitting in that small corner looking like it’s shiny green eyes are looking right into my soul. Then she silently scans the room looking for something something that is threatening her suddenly the tiny cute kitten transforms into a hideous blood sucking beast. Then a sudden knock at the door and the hideous blood sucking beast turns right back into a normal black kitten again… TO BE CONTINUED

Tuesday, 5 September 2017


Similes and metaphors.
M] Her puples are a deep never ending hole.
M] her puples are a dark apocalypses waiting to happen.
S]Her eyes look like a mat black moon.
S] Her eyes look like there looking right through soul.

Monday, 28 August 2017

Cross country

Cross country

ON YOUR MARKS GET SET GO!!!! bang off we go girls start sprinting in front of me trying to get to the front. As i was running i could hear my mother cheering me on i start running faster then start puffing. I start racing to the hill when WOOSH WOOSH two kids race right past me like they're in the Olympics. As soon as i get to the last hill of the race i start sprinting to the end  and come sixteenth. I'm so tierd and so thirsty after all that runninng.

Friday, 25 August 2017

Manu tukutuku

This term my class have been doing Manu tukutuku they are old Maori kites.
me and my group did two Manu tukutuku.
we tied the three bamboo first then we threaded blue,white and red.
about at the end we put some feathers on.
they were so fluffy.
 trying to tie the bamboo together was really hard
and i would change the pattern that is in the middle to figure eights. 

Thursday, 10 August 2017

Opinion writing

This week my class learnt about how to write an Opinion speech.

I hate bullying because it is a mean and horrible thing to do.
bullying is a common thing happening around the whole world. Bullying is something like calling someone ugly or saying you have buck teeth. Have you ever had someone call you ugly or say something mean to you or you say something mean to someone if then. Then say stop it i don't like or get someone to help. So you can help change the world and keep it a happy place.

Tuesday, 8 August 2017


this is turituri he has know taringars he ate the fish with out throwing it back in the water now he is locked in under the water.

Monday, 7 August 2017

opinion Writing

this week my class are learning about opinion writing. Its writing about your opinion here is my opinion writing.  
I love sports because it keeps you healthy.
[fact] I think every one should play a sports because when you do it makes you healthy and when your healthy you live longer. [fact] Lots of people are dying because there'er unfit. or not healthy so keep up that sports.

Tuesday, 1 August 2017


this week my class did Limerick poems.
there was a lady from the states. 
who liked eating off fancy plates.
with ham and lamb chops.
with her friend Sammy.
that crazy lady from the states.

Friday, 28 July 2017

Tongue twisters

this week my class learnt how to make tongue twisters.

Tongue twisters
Red black blue back3X
how much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood if a wood chuck could chuck wood how much wood would a wood chuck chuck.
Tilly billy silly billy tilly5X

Thursday, 27 July 2017

Tanka poems

today my class learnt about Tanka poems using syllables.
Tanka poem

whispering brown trees
dancing swaying in sunlight
brown warts all over 
like little eyes watching you
rough bark like a brown jacket.


This week my class have been learning about Riddles here are some of mine.

what spins but you can't fell it spinning-World
whats small and annoying-Lice
what is always running but has no legs-clock
what has a face and four legs-table

Wednesday, 26 July 2017

Cinquin poems

my class learnt about Cinquin poems using syllables my one is about my parents. 

they'er really nice
they do a lot for me
they love me as much as i do
they'er great.

Tuesday, 25 July 2017


Yesterday we had Strike  it was amazing and also loud. first they introduced them self's there was a man his name was James the next person was a girl her name was Hannah and the last person was Katie. But James called him self jimbo the flying nimbo and Hannah called her self Hannah banana
and Katie called her self special K. 

Wednesday, 24 May 2017

Tuesday, 23 May 2017

my all about me


I love shoes and boots

Hi my name is Quartez
Free photo Baby Shoes Adidas Baby Shoes Sports Shoes - Max Pixel
I have two fish one kitten and one puppy.
May 17, 2017 1:59:30 PM.jpgKitten Images - Public Domain Pictures - Page 1
I love the all blacks

I love to Read

I love to play basket ball

I love animals
File:Logo des allblacks.jpg - Wikimedia CommonsFree illustration: Read, Reading, Literacy, Education - Free Image ...Dog images · Pexels · Free Stock PhotosBasketball - Free images on Pixabay



I walk over to these Koro patterns they looked so cool. Then I moved my eye just a little bit and i saw a giant shell and then he blew into the little hole and it was so loud. Then he showed us a little flute and said it was could the koauau it sounded so beautiful I felt warm inside. unlike the giant shell that me fell scared.


Friday, 31 March 2017

St John


St John taught us how to do CPR it was weird we had to do it on a mannequin.

this is the things we all learnt.
check for response
next put your Just above their head and look at their stomach
if they are breathing call 111
put your hand on their 4 head and 2 fingers on their chin and pull their head back